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February 14, 2009

Striplights and Gauze


We've been shooting high end interior design projects for several weeks and that's entailed a fair amount of post production work (read: "chained to the computers to do the necessary perspective control, blending and other pen work").

A "break" is something with no deadline; a freeform creative image-making session. This was one of those with a roll of gauze, wind machine, five-foot strip lights left and right and the Hasselbald.

Happy Valentines Day 2009.

February 1, 2009

Tattoos and Piercings


I met Brenton Crowell at Java Surf Cafe in Virginia Beach last Friday and shot a quick portrait of him lounging on the front window sofa with his girlfriend. He and I are polar opposites; I have no piercings or tattoos and he is mega-pierced and has tattoos over most of his body. But, hey, that's variety. It makes the world go around.

Watch for more of Brenton.

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