It's not often I get on the front side of the camera, but we shot a behind-the-scenes image for Rob Daughterty (thevestguy.com) to show his Urban 5 Photo Vest at work.
I own some photo vests, but generally wouldn't be caught dead in one. This one is different. The pockets hold major stuff....70-200mm f2.8 in the big pocket, smaller optics in the smaller pockets; batteries, black cloth, filters and other flat items in the chest pockets. There are D-Rings for hanging things (in my case, the knife). And, straps with 1/4-20 screws for hanging the camera so I'm hands-free when needed.
Except for the pockets, the vest is mesh, so cool for working in warm places.
The black bag hanging from the tripod is a military spec drybag with a drysuit zipper closure and manual inflator for taking sensitive gear to and from work in wet places.
Add a hat, sunscreen, water, VHF radio, inflatable boat and sometime 9mm and I'm good to go.
Photo: Kristi Sherk (BaltWash area)
Location: Saddle Cay, Exuma Cays, Bahamas Islands