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October 29, 2012

Fish Tank Experiments


I found a 140 gallon fish tank on Craigslist and have started some experiments with it in the studio.

Here's one with model Brynna Raine.

October 19, 2012

Like the feel of this outdoor alcove


I like the feel of this little outdoor alcove of a coffee shop in Virginia Beach. Not perfect, but has some promise for a location for a picture.

I like this blue (a lot), it's simple and I like the wall texture and colors.

October 10, 2012

Mertailor Photo Session - Day 3 - BTS


We did the dry studio work on Day 3 of the Mertailor shoot and here's one of the Behind-The-Scenes images ("Backstage" for you Europeans). Pretty messy looking, huh?

When we're shooting, the set looks like a disaster-in-progress. However, it's very functional. and an hour after we finish, it looks totally different.

Model: Chelsea McLean, Orlando, FL
Mertailor: Eric Ducharme (bottom left corner), Crystal River, FL

October 9, 2012

Sun's Out - Rig the 20x20' Scrim/Silk


For mermaid tail photography, an even ambient light works best for me, so when the sun is out we rig a 20x20' scrim/silk over the pool to eliminate the dancing highlights all over the pool bottom, model and tails.

October 8, 2012

MerTailor Photo Session - Day 1


Day 1 on the MerTailor mermaid tail and accessories photoshoot in Virginia Beach, October 5-7, 2012.

Crew is (l-r) Kristi Sherk, Chris Crumley, Matthew Oiujano, Chelsea McLean, Eric Ducharme and (not-pictured) Jackie Burwood.

Eric, Matthew and Chelsea drove the 28 tails plus tops and accessories from Crystal River, Florida. Kristi did her Mini-Cooper trek from the Washington, DC area.

First day was overcast enough we didn't need the 20x20' scrim rig over the pool. Second day was pure sun and blue skies, so scrim rigged.

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