Annie Leibovitz Photoshoot, Miami Beach
Oldie: This behind-the-scenes photo by Mindy Hertzon surfaced yesterday. Several years ago, Annie Leibovitz wanted to shoot an underwater photo for Vogue magazine using a Mamiya RZ67. There were only about 50 housings worldwide for that camera and I had one. The manufacturer, Aqua Vision Systems, referred Annie to me and I agreed to supply the housing and camera on a consulting/assisting basis. So, off I went to a location pool on the beach near Miami Beach (same pool Madonna used for a lot of the photos in her book "Sex"). Here's Annie, her Assistant, Martin Schoeller (now famous in his own right), me in the hat and the A67 Housing. The housing is now for sale and I'm thinking Annie or Microsoft's ex-ceo Steve Ballmer might like to have it.